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Saturday, 15 December 2007

logitech LX7 linux driver

I'm using a Logitech LX7 cordless optical mouse under linux ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22. The default mouse driver that X uses doesn't support 5 button mice (which is what I have). I have gone fiddling with the xorg.conf configuration file in /etc/X11, completely corrupted X, and am now typing this under the command line interface using lynx. Does anyone know of any linux 5 button mouse drivers that you can use without completely p***ing X off? I am f***ed off with this sh!t. Someone must of written a stupid, FREAKING DRIVER. Thanks in advance to anyone who even posts a comment.


Anonymous said...

Try using the evdev driver, i have most of my buttons doing something useful, except the back and forward ones

Colonel Panic said...

well...I'm sorta living with it now. I don't really feel like mucking about with X no more, it works and its fine. I'm running hardy now anyway, which is supposed to 'autoconfigure' everything...my a**. Ah well.

Anonymous said...

did you ever get this figured out?